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Montag, 17. Oktober 2005

Computer: Lev Grossman, Warum ist Apple so erfolgreich?

[via: Hakime Seddik] In "How Apple does it" schreibt Lev Grossman über die Persönlichkeit von Steve Jobs und damit über einen Grund, warum Apple so erfolgreich ist. Zitat:

He and Jonathan Ive, head of design, came up with the original iMac, a candy-colored computer merged with a cathode-ray tube that, at the time, looked like nothing anybody had seen outside of a Jetsons cartoon. “Sure enough,” Jobs recalls, “when we took it to the engineers, they said, ‘Oh.’ And they came up with 38 reasons. And I said, ‘No, no, we’re doing this.’ And they said, ‘Well, why?’ And I said, ‘Because I’m the ceo, and I think it can be done.’ And so they kind of begrudgingly did it. But then it was a big hit.”


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